New web player

A fresh take on our web player for podcast and radio streams.

Our new web player delivers a cleaner design with less user distraction, while supporting many new features. Two new layout options, Modern and Mini, are now available in our player customisation menu.

Modern layout

The modern layout has been designed for embedding podcast or stream content into an article or a webpage's main content area. It will replace our original web player as the default and is the best option for most publishers.

Increased size, larger fonts and cleaner controls suitable for modern websites.

We wanted to simplify controls visible on the player to focus on the audio itself, but there was still a need to expose more features. For this purpose we created a menu overlay which contain all features that does not fit on the player front face.

Descriptions, sharing, subscribing, transcripts, downloads and more.

Mini Layout

Publishers frequently want to embed their audio into their website's top navigation or footer area - our Mini layout sacrifices some of the complex features that require the menu overlay but provides a uniquely clean and simple audio playback experience suitable for these scenarios.

Fully customisable

Both layouts still feature our extensive set of theming and customisation options. Change colours, borders and feature options to suit any website.

New podcast features

Podcast listeners can now quickly switch between 4 playback speed options, using the modern browser's ability to automatically correct pitch if supported.

In addition, the menu section of the modern layout now allows users to subscribe to the podcast show via iTunes, Spotify, RSS or others.

Stream visualiser

Radio stream players can now choose between two audio visualiser modes, a plain progress bar style VU meter or a richer spectrum graph.

Animated waveform for radio stream playback. (Not available on iOS or Safari)


Finally, we have expanded our list of supported interface languages:

  • English
  • Dutch (Nederlands)
  • French (Français)
  • German (Deutsch)
  • Greek (ελληνικά)
  • Italian (Italiano)
  • Polish (Polski)
  • Portuguese (Português)
  • Spanish (Español)
  • Swahili (kiswahili)
  • Thai (แบบไทย)
  • Afrikaans
  • Sesotho
  • Xhosa (isiXhosa)
  • Zulu
Two new layout options, Modern and Mini, are now available in our player customisation menu. The Modern layout will become the default for all new web players starting 1 Feb 2025. Existing embedded players will not be affected.
Cover photo by freestocks / Unsplash